Can you get Dental implants in one day?

Can you get Dental implants in one day?

The answer to this is a resounding yes. You can get dental implants in just a single day. Traditionally, fixing dental implants is a two-step process where the post made of titanium alloy which is screwed into the jawbone is allowed to integrate with the bone and heal. Then comes the process of placing the abutment and then the crown on top of it. This entire process takes a few months. That is not the case with Same Day dental implants or Single visit dental implants.

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Dental Implants arrest bone loss in the jaw

Dental Implants arrest bone loss in the jaw

Missing teeth cause jaw bone loss due to the absence of stimulus. As a result, the bone volume decreases in the jaw area gradually. Many studies point to the fact that in the first year of missing tooth alone, the jaw bone in that area decreases by as much as 25%. In a few years time, the height of the jaw bone on the missing tooth area decreases by few millimeters. Only dental implants arrest bone loss and can halt this progressive degeneration of jaw bone.

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