Professional cleaning involves the removal of stains, plaque and tartar that have accumulated on your teeth, tooth scaling to remove plaque below the gum line, and tooth polishing. The professional cleaning of teeth is sometimes referred to as prophylaxis. This means “to prevent beforehand” – in this case, it helps prevent gum (periodontal) disease.

Even on regular brushing or flossing, there is a chance of tartar formation in areas which are difficult to reach. It is important to remove this periodically to maintain proper oral hygiene.

Tartar formation tends to accumulate below the gum line. This is the main reason for the bad odour and gum diseases. Sensitivity around teeth, food impaction, gum recession (reduced gum height), bleeding while brushing or red inflamed gums are all indications that you have gum diseases or periodontal disease.

According to the severity of your condition, your dentist will recommend for a simple scaling (non-surgical) or a surgery to eliminate the gum disease. You can avoid surgery by using an alternative treatment method called LANAP(Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure).

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