Denta Kings

Can you get Dental implants in one day?

The answer to this is a resounding yes. You can get dental implants in just a single day. Traditionally, fixing dental implants is a two-step process where the post made of titanium alloy which is screwed into the jawbone is allowed to integrate with the bone and heal. Then comes the process of placing the abutment and then the crown on top of it. This entire process takes a few months. That is not the case with Same Day dental implants or Single visit dental implants.

What are the procedures to be followed before getting the Same Day dental implants or Single-visit Dental Implants?

Though we call it Same Day Dental Implants, the placing of the dental implant only takes a single day. But the preparation of the oral area and planning the immediate implants and immediate loading is done meticulously first.

What are the procedures carried out on the day of Same Day dental implants or Single-visit Dental Implants?

Advantages of Same Day Dental Implants over Traditional Dental Implants

Dr Karthikeyan on Same Day Dental Implants

Dr Karthikeyan, one of the best dental implantologist in India is of the opinion that same day dental implants or single visit dental implants are best suited for patients with jaw bone loss who cannot get bone grafting. The best dentist in Chennai is also of the opinions that since some people have less time due to their busy schedule, this type of immediate placement and immediate loading comes to their rescue.  Dr Karthikeyan the who gives the best dental implants in Chennai tells us that NobelActive Dental Implants by Nobel Biocare are pioneers in single visit dental implants. Dr Karthikeyan also talks of the fact that since more demand is present among patients for same day dental implants many research are taking place around the same.  The same has resulted in much advancement in the dental technology that off late the likelihood of failure is much less than earlier.