Denta Kings

Do you have bleeding gums while you brush your teeth?

Dental health not only includes the teeth and its components, but they also include the gums which surround the teeth. Gums play a major role not only in your oral health but also in your overall well being.

One of the major problems that many people face is bleeding gums while they brush their teeth. Sometimes the gums can bleed even while biting or when sitting idle. A bleeding gum is a symptom rather than a disease by itself. There are several causes of bleeding gums. Here are the 6 most important causes of bleeding gums.

6 Important Reasons that cause bleeding gums

Wrong brushing techniques or Improper brushing tools – Brushing too hard or using a brush that is too hard for your teeth can cause bleeding gums. Many people think that the harsher they brush the cleaner their teeth will remain. This is not true. Hard brushing can remove bacteria but it can end up damaging your gums and teeth causing it to bleed. If you notice bleeding gums, try switching over to a medium-bristled toothbrush.

Plaque – Plaque is a thin film of germs that forms over the surface of the gums and teeth. It also plays a major role in gum bleeding. If you experience bleeding gums, ensure to check the inner and outer crevices and grooves of your teeth for a yellowish-brown build up. Plaque build-up can be easily avoided with regular brushing and flossing.

Gum Disease (Gingivitis) – The inflammation and bleeding of the gums due to bacterial infection is known as Gingivitis. Gingivitis, if left untreated can lead to another serious condition known as periodontitis.

Liver Cirrhosis – Liver Cirrhosis is the scarring of the Liver tissues caused due to the chronic exposure to toxins such as alcohol or viral infections. Bleeding gums are one of the rare symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

Leukemia – Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the blood cells. Leukemia is the cancer of the WBC cells. Low platelet count or Thrombocytopenia is usually caused due to leukemia. One of the symptoms is severe gum bleeding.

Bleeding Disorders – Bleeding disorders that affects the clotting factors of our body can also cause gum bleeding. This condition is extremely rare and is mostly genetic.

Treatment for Bleeding Gums