Tips to handle tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening

Tips to handle tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is essentially used to lighten the color of our teeth. One of the most common and incredibly uncomfortable side effects of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. After the tooth whitening procedure, you may experience tenderness, aching, and other unpleasant sensations sometimes. Here are few tips to handle tooth sensitivity after a teeth whitening procedure.

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Gum Health saves your Dental Implants

Gum Health saves your Dental Implants

Dental Implants are an ideal treatment solution for replacing one or more badly decayed teeth or missing teeth. Laying a Dental Implant is a full-fledged surgical procedure that involves drilling your jaw bone and placing the implant. The implantation procedure usually has a high success rate. Every year it is estimated that less than 5% of dental implants fail. Although the advancements in dentistry have greatly reduced the rate of dental implant failure, there are still chances for a successful implant to fail due to oral diseases that can occur mainly due to poor oral hygiene maintained by the patient. Peri-Implant diseases are one of the main causes of dental implant failure.

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Challenges of Dental Implants in Diabetic Patients

Challenges of Dental Implants in Diabetic Patients

Dental Implants are the ideal treatment option for people with missing teeth. Since the implants are directly anchored into the jaw bone they provide more stability, durability and a natural look than other treatment options. Diabetes is considered to be a risk factor for implant treatment and people with poorly controlled diabetes are considered contraindications for dental implant treatment. Here is more information.

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Is it safe to get dental work done in India?

Is it safe to get dental work done in India?

Healthcare is an essential service that cannot be substituted with anything else. But the sad truth is quality healthcare is not affordable by everyone. This is particularly true in developed countries. Medical tourism offers a way for everyone to gain access to affordable and quality healthcare. Dental tourism is a subset of medical tourism that offers quality and affordable dental treatments.

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6 Questions to ask a dentist if you need a Dental Implant

6 Questions to ask a dentist if you need a Dental Implant

Dental Implants are an excellent treatment option for people who are missing one or more teeth or if one or more of your teeth have undergone extensive decay that cannot be restored with a root canal treatment or a dental crown. When your dentist informs you that you need a Dental Implant treatment, you might have several questions before agreeing to this surgical treatment option. Here are 6 questions that will give you a fair idea about Dental Implants.

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More about Multiple Teeth Dental Implants

More about Multiple Teeth Dental Implants

Gaps in your smile can reduce your confidence, social opportunities, and can have negative effects on other’s perception of you. Apart from that a missing tooth can cause tooth shifting, underlying bone and gum loss and structural collapse of your face. This is obvious when our face is full of wrinkles, a sagged appearance and premature aging. Dentists usually recommend All-on-4 Dental implants for patients who have no teeth left or a few teeth that cannot be salvageable. But there are other three instances where All-on-4 Dental implant may not be required. Let us see these three scenarios.

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Benefits of Bone Grafts

Benefits of Bone Grafts

Our teeth play a vital role in biting, chewing, and speaking. It is also interesting to know the fact that our teeth play an important role in keeping the jawbones strong and healthy. The absence of teeth can make the jaw bone weak, atrophied and diseased in the long run. The gold standard solution for replacing lost teeth is getting dental implants. But not all people get dental implants after the loss of a tooth. This waiting period can cause the weakening and loss of the jaw bone beneath the lost tooth. So can people with jaw bone loss get dental implants?

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