Teeth whitening is essentially used to lighten the color of our teeth. One of the most common and incredibly uncomfortable side effects of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. After the tooth whitening procedure, you may experience tenderness, aching, and other unpleasant sensations sometimes. Here are few tips to handle tooth sensitivity after a teeth whitening procedure.
Dental Implants are an ideal treatment solution for replacing one or more badly decayed teeth or missing teeth. Laying a Dental Implant is a full-fledged surgical procedure that involves drilling your jaw bone and placing the implant. The implantation procedure usually has a high success rate. Every year it is estimated that less than 5% of dental implants fail. Although the advancements in dentistry have greatly reduced the rate of dental implant failure, there are still chances for a successful implant to fail due to oral diseases that can occur mainly due to poor oral hygiene maintained by the patient. Peri-Implant diseases are one of the main causes of dental implant failure.