‘Orthognathic is derived from two Greek words ‘Orthos’ and “Gnathos’ which means ‘straight’ and ‘jaws’ respectively. Thus the word “Orthognathic” literally means straight jaws or straightening of jaws. Orthognathic surgery is the process of correcting or straightening any crookedness or deformity of the jaws. This surgery is mostly done to correct such deformities that may cause discomfort while talking, eating, chewing, etc. Orthognathic surgery is also done to improve the way the teeth fit together and to optimize the facial proportions in people who have obstructive sleep apnea. Apart from the functional benefits of getting orthognathic surgery, there are also aesthetic benefits of getting orthognathic surgery. Today, orthognathic surgery involves a wide spectrum of surgical procedures that can be done on the upper jaw, lower jaw, and the chin to improve the form and the function of the jaw.